
In 2017, Pitt County grossed $18,919,765.00 in retail sales through its 8 outlets situated in easily accessible locations throughout the county. Pitt County opened its first store on July 27, 1935.

Our five-member board constantly seeks ways to make our system more responsible by abiding by and enforcing ABC Laws and Regulations; more profitable by using successful business practices; and more progressive by studying and employing new methods of providing for the needs and desires of the consumer. The Pitt County ABC Board meets the third Monday of the month at 11:30 am at the Administrative office located at 2082-B Central Park Drive, Winterville, NC and is open to the public.

Brief History of ABC Boards

In 1937, an Alcoholic Beverage Control bill was enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly that created the foundation for the system of control we operate under today. This Act allowed voters in each county to determine whether or not spirituous liquor should be sold at retail. If approved by the local voters, the Act provided for the establishment of a local ABC board that has the authority and duty to operate one retail ABC store. If disapproved at the county level, local towns or municipalities could then vote on the issue. The Act also provided for the establishment of a State ABC Commission to have oversight authority with respect to each local ABC Board.

Today, there are 168 local ABC systems in the State that operate 430 retail stores. Fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, the retail and mixed beverage sales totaled approximately $1.068 billion. County and municipal ABC Boards in North Carolina are local independent political subdivisions of the State. They operate as separate entities establishing their own policies and procedures.

Each local ABC Board consists of a Chairman and two to six (depending on the Board size) board members appointed by their city, town or county governing authority. They retain authority to set policy and adopt rules in conformity with ABC Laws and Commission Rules.

Local ABC boards in North Carolina are established and operated with no state funds. However, through the sale of spirituous liquor in ABC stores, approximately $1 billion in revenue is generated annually. Distributions benefit the state’s General Fund, the cities and counties where alcohol sales are allowed. Total revenue distributions during fiscal year 2017 amounted to $406,044,410.

State Warehouse

Spirituous liquors that are approved for sale in the State of North Carolina are transported to and stored in a state-owned warehouse in Raleigh. The administrative oversight of the State Warehouse is the responsibility of the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. The Commission contracts with a privately owned warehouse contractor, currently, LB&B Associates, which is responsible for the receipt, storage and distribution of spirituous liquor throughout the State. The Warehouse operates under a bailment system in which the ownership of the product remains with the distillery until it is delivered to the local ABC Boards. The purchaser of spirituous liquor pays the contractor’s fees indirectly. The fee, called the “bailment charge,” (currently $1.60 per case) is added to the price of liquor to pay for the warehousing and delivery of the liquor to the local boards. The State Warehouse laws are described in the North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 18B. (18B-204.)

ABC Spirituous Liquor Pricing

In North Carolina, the retail price of spirituous liquor sold in ABC stores is uniform throughout the state, unless otherwise provided by law, as described in North Carolina General Statutes, GS 18B-804, Alcohol Beverage Pricing. The Commission issues a Quarterly Price List that is effective on the first day of February, May, August and November. Any price changes made by a Distiller are effective with the issuance of this List.

On every delivered case of spirituous liquor approved for sale, there is an 80.8 percent markup. Therefore, the selling price at retail, in addition to cost of goods, includes:

  • freight
  • bailment fee that funds the ABC warehouse private contractor
  • surcharge fee that funds the ABC Commission’s budget
  • federal tax
  • state tax
  • local ABC Board markup
  • rehabilitation tax
  • other miscellaneous tax

In addition to the Quarterly Price List, the Commission will publish a monthly Supplemental Price List reducing the retail prices of selected liquor products to reflect the distiller’s offers of special price reductions.

New items are considered and approved in February each year for listing in the May Price List. Likewise, items that are not selling well and delivering minimum profits are removed from the list at this time. Special holiday packages with glass sets or other novelty items are approved in June each year and are limited for sale only in the November Price List.

Mixed Beverage Information

Establishments wishing to sell liquor by the drink must obtain a permit from the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission in order to sell mixed beverages. Once a permit is obtained the permittee must meet with our warehouse manager. Each permittee has a designated ABC store in which to place and pick up orders. Orders must be paid for with cash, guaranteed check or cashier’s check made payable to “PITT COUNTY ABC BOARD”. There are currently four locations in Pitt County who serve our mixed beverage customers.

You can obtain information about permits at www.abc.nc.gov/permits.

Spirituous liquors that are approved for sale in the State of North Carolina are transported to and stored in a state-owned warehouse in Raleigh. The administrative oversight of the State Warehouse is the responsibility of the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. The Commission contracts with a privately owned warehouse contractor, currently, LB&B Associates, which is responsible for the receipt, storage and distribution of spirituous liquor throughout the State. The Warehouse operates under a bailment system in which the ownership of the product remains with the distillery until it is delivered to the local ABC Boards. The purchaser of spirituous liquor pays the contractor’s fees indirectly. The fee, called the “bailment charge ,” (currently $1.60 per case) is added to the price of liquor to pay for the warehousing and delivery of the liquor to the local boards.

Board Members

Member Title Appointed
Adam Sullivan General Manager
David Byrum Finance Officer
Timothy Greene Law Enforcement Chief
Mike Fitzpatrick Chair October 2024
Ann F. Huggins Member August 2017
Bill Johnson Member October 2022
Brian Meyerhoeffer Member October 2024
Ralph Whitehurst Member November 2024